All Services
Safe Futures’ mission is stopping abuse, restoring hope, and saving lives of those impacted by domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, trafficking, elder abuse, and child abuse in Southeastern Connecticut. Our hotline is available for anyone who feels unsafe 365 days a year, 24 hours a day. All services are free and confidential.
If you or someone you know needs help, please call our Safe Futures 24/7 Confidential Hotline
at (860) 701-6001 or text CT Safe Connect at (888) 774-2900. You can remain anonymous.
Our services include:
- 24 Hour Hotline 7 days a week/365 days a year
- 24 Hour LAP Line (Law Enforcement Lethality Assessment)
- 15 Bed Emergency Shelter and Safe Hotels
- Phoenix House Transitional Housing Program
- Katie Blair House
- Flora O’Neil Permanent Supportive Housing
- Walk in Counseling Offices – New London
- Criminal Court Advocates -New London GA 10
- Criminal Court Advocates Norwich Court GA-21
- Civil Court Advocate – Norwich Civil Court
- Victim Advocate Law Enforcement (VALE) REGIONAL
- The Center for Safe Futures Project
- Child and Family Advocate
- Nurse Advocate
- Camp Hope America – Safe Futures/Pathways Mentoring Program
- Violence is Preventable Educators and Counselors in local schools
- Public Policy Liaison
- The Hope Shoppe
- Therapy pets – Luna, Gizmo, and Milo