Our Mission

Stopping abuse, restoring hope, and saving lives of those impacted by domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, trafficking, child abuse, and elder abuse in southeastern Connecticut.


Our Vision

Safe Futures strives to eliminate violence in our community
so that southeastern Connecticut becomes a place:


  • Where violence and abuse are not tolerated;
  • Where all victims and survivors are able to get the support and resources they need to create a new life for themselves; and
  • Where all children and teens feel safe, and learn the skills to establish healthy friendships and dating relationships.


Our Values

  • Compassion and respect for our clients and each other;
  • Empowerment of victims;
  • Confidentiality in our work;
  • Excellence in client programs, administration, and stewardship of contributions; and
  • Partnership with our community


Safe Futures recognizes that prejudice, discrimination, and stereotyping are prevalent throughout society and that making a commitment to address racism is an essential component of the work we do to address sexual and domestic violence. Thus, we at Safe Futures are committed to creating a safe and welcoming environment for all people of color.


  • We commit to promoting awareness by rejecting the notion of a “color-blind” society. Instead, we celebrate the unique perspectives of all cultures and honor the differences between and among people, rather than denying that they exist.
  • We commit to creating and sustaining a multicultural organization. We will work to continually recruit staff, interns, volunteers, board members, and donors who reflect the communities we work in, and to foster leadership opportunities for people of color at all levels.
  • We commit to creating an organization that considers cultural nuances when developing policies and programming, understanding that the ways our clients experience and deal with domestic and sexual violence are inextricably linked with the other forms of oppression they may experience.
  • We commit, as a learning organization, to developing avenues for continuing education and awareness of emerging issues that demand our accountability to communities of color. We believe everyone must play a role in the process of dismantling racism, and white people have the unique responsibility of working to understand and acknowledge white privilege. Through program evaluation, including client feedback and our alliances with organizations that serve communities of color, we will be accountable.

Safe Futures is committed to building a culture of inclusion, diversity and respect that embraces the clients we serve and the entire community.

*With acknowledgement and appreciation to the Virginia Sexual and Domestic Violence Action Alliance, the New Jersey Coalition for Battered Women and Clarissa Beyah-Taylor.
