Camp HOPE America, Safe Futures



Camp HOPE America is an evidence-based camping and mentoring program in the United States that focuses on children and teens exposed to domestic violence. The program aims to give youth a brighter future by fostering pathways to hope and healing. What sets Camp HOPE America apart is its trauma-informed approach, emphasizing the development of campers’ character rather than their accomplishments. Each day, campers read about real people, not too much older than they are, who have overcome adversity, abuse, and other real-life challenges to show them that they are not alone, and that their past does not define their future. The program includes a week of overnight camp with various activities, such as field games, rock climbing, and art projects, designed to challenge campers to overcome fears and build resilience.


Enrollment for Camp HOPE 2024 will open at the beginning of March



Pathways, the year-round component of the Camp HOPE America program, is dedicated to supporting youth who have experienced trauma. Our primary focus is on providing holistic, hope-centered programming and group mentorship to mitigate the impact of adverse experiences. This year-round initiative nurtures the community formed during the week of overnight camp and empowers participants on their journey towards personal growth. Pathways creates a supportive environment for both youth and their families through engaging events like team-building activities and college tours, aiming to expose participants to new experiences, potential careers, and positive role models. Importantly, participating in Pathways and attending overnight camps are not mutually exclusive, allowing individuals to benefit from both aspects of the program. Our ultimate goal is to foster a safe and caring community, helping youth heal from trauma and envision a brighter future beyond their past experiences.


Enrollment for Pathways is open year-round, and families can enroll by emailing [email protected] or calling (860) 447-0366, extension 231.



Hope is a cornerstone for a child’s journey to success and fulfillment. It’s not just a concept; it’s a force that propels kids towards a brighter future. When children embrace hope, they not only feel a sense of competence and self-worth but also experience lower levels of depression and anxiety. Those with higher hope levels are naturally more optimistic about what lies ahead, equipped with robust problem-solving skills and a vision for their life goals. The impact of hope extends beyond personal well-being; hopeful children navigate school with greater achievement—higher attendance, better grades, increased graduation rates, and a higher likelihood of pursuing college. At Camp HOPE America, we recognize hope not just as a concept but as a tangible, transformative power, providing children with the strength to overcome adversity.



HOPE TEAM – Hope Mentors, Hope Counselors & Hope Givers


About: At the heart of our transformative programs, Camp HOPE and Pathways, lies our extraordinary HOPE team – a dedicated ensemble of Hope Mentors, Hope Counselors, and Hope Givers. Each member is a vital player, forming the backbone of our initiatives. Camp HOPE and Pathways wouldn’t be the incredible experiences they are without the unwavering commitment and passion of our exceptional HOPE team. Join us as we create lasting impacts and inspire hope in the lives of children and teens overcoming adversity.


Hope Givers:  Our Hope Givers play a vital role in fostering hope and healing by hosting supply drives, fundraisers, or providing one-time gifts, directly impacting the lives of these young individuals. Your support ensures that no child misses the transformative experience of Camp due to financial barriers. Together, we create a community where the healing power of Camp is accessible to all, thanks to the generosity of individuals, clubs, organizations, foundations, and businesses.


For more details on becoming a HOPE Giver and making a positive impact in the lives of children, contact Mariah Murdock at [email protected].



Hope Mentors: Hope Mentors are essential to the Pathways program. Coming from diverse backgrounds, these mentors share a common passion for serving children and teens. Engaging in various monthly events like field trips and game nights, Hope Mentors offer vital support and encouragement as participants navigate new challenges, set goals, and build coping skills. Through their commitment and care, Hope Mentors genuinely make a lasting impact on the lives of the youth in our program.

  • Requirements:
    • Age Requirement: Candidates must be 25 years of age or older.
    • Attendance Commitment: Willingness to attend a minimum of four monthly activities/events throughout the year.
    • Background Check: All volunteers must undergo a background check as part of our standard procedures to ensure alignment with our organizational values and safety standards.
    • Domestic Violence Training: Successful completion of a 20-hour self-paced domestic violence training is required for all volunteers. This training equips volunteers with the knowledge and skills necessary to work effectively with our clientele, prioritizing their safety and well-being.
    • Camp HOPE and Pathways Training: Attend Camp HOPE and Pathways training sessions to gain an overview of the program, practices, and the theory of HOPE.


HOPE Counselors: At Camp HOPE, Counselors play a vital role in shaping a transformative and empowering experience for campers. HOPE Counselors go beyond traditional camp duties – they become a source of hope, support, and mentorship. Counselors actively participate in the Camp HOPE curriculum and engage in activities like rock climbing, paddleboarding, field games, and campfires. This is more than a summer gig; it’s an opportunity to be a positive force, leaving a lasting impact on the lives of the children served. Joining Camp HOPE means becoming a catalyst for positive change!

  • Requirements:
    • Age Requirements:
      • Counselors for 7-11 year-olds: Must be at least entering their senior year of high school and no older than 24.
      • Counselors for 12-17 year-olds: Must be at least 20 years old and no older than 24.
      • These age criteria establish a near-peer relationship, encouraging effective connections with campers.
    • Domestic Violence Training: Successful completion of a 20-hour self-paced domestic violence training is required for all volunteers. This training equips volunteers with the knowledge and skills necessary to work effectively with our clientele, prioritizing their safety and well-being.
    • Camp HOPE Training: Attend Camp HOPE training sessions to gain an overview of the program, practices, and the theory of HOPE specific to Camp HOPE and Pathways.
    • Background Check: All volunteers must undergo a background check as part of our standard procedures to ensure alignment with our organizational values and safety standards.
    • Attendance Commitment: Availability to work during Camp HOPE, which takes place from August 18th to August 23rd, 2024.


For more details on becoming a HOPE Mentor or HOPE Counselor, contact Mariah Murdock at [email protected].



Learn more

Download the Camp HOPE Brochure: English | Spanish

Download the Partner Agency Nomination Form Camp HOPE & Pathways form here

Safe Futures is a nonprofit 501c3 organization which serves victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking and trafficking in southeastern Connecticut. Safe Futures’ affiliation with HOPE America has made it possible to offer this evidence-based camping program each year.
